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A total of 9 records matched your search.

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Acorns (Fall Round)
Another in the Holiday/Season Rounds design series. This autumn design is a great addition to your seasonal decor. Model done on 18 ct Lambswool Linen using #5 Perle Cotton and specialty fibers. Design size is 5.5 X 5.5. Chart pack includes acorn button. Extra buttons are available.-click for buttons
Price: $7.00

Easter Round
Another in the Holiday/Season Rounds design series. This colorful pastel design is a great addition for the Easter season. Chart pack includes egg button. Model done on 18 ct Buttermilk Linen using #5 Perle Cotton and specialty fibers. Design size is 5.5 X 5.5. Extra buttons are available-click for buttons
Price: $7.00

Halloween Round
Another in the Holiday/Season Rounds design series. This Halloween design has black cats, witches hats and colorful stockings to brighten your Halloween season. Model done on 18 ct Lambswool Linen using #5 Perle Cotton and specialty fibers. Design size is 6.2 X 6.2. Chart pack includes pumpkin button. Extra buttons are available-click for buttons
Price: $7.00

July 4th Round
Another in the Holiday/Season Rounds design series. Our model was stitched on 18ct. Natural Light Linen using #5 Perle Cotton and specialty fibers. Design size is 5.3 X 5.3. Chart pack includes firecracker button. Extra buttons are available-click for buttons
Price: $7.00

Pansy Round
Another in the Holiday/Season Rounds design series. This spring pansy pastel design in yellows and purples is great for the spring or fall seasons. Chart pack includes pansy button. Model done on 18 ct English Rose Linen using #5 Perle Cotton and specialty fibers. Design size is 5.3 X 5.5. Extra buttons are available-click for buttons
Price: $7.00

Santa Round
Another in the Holiday/Season Rounds design series. This is a great addition to the Christmas season. Model done on 18 ct Lambswool Linen over 2 threads using #5 Perle Cotton and specialty fibers. Design size is 5.3 X 5.2. Chart pack includes present button. Extra buttons are available-click for buttons
Price: $7.00

Shamrocks (St. Patricks Round)
Another in the Holiday/Season Rounds design series. This wonderful shamrock design is perfect for St. Patricks day. Model done on 18 ct Buttermilk Linen using #5 Perle Cotton and specialty fibers. Design size is 6.0 X 6.0. Chart pack includes shamrock button. Extra buttons are available-click for buttons
Price: $7.00

Summer Round
Another in the Holiday/Season Rounds design series. Model was stitched on 18ct. Lambswool Linen using #5 Perle Cotton and specialty fibers. Design size is 4.9 X 4.9. Chart pack includes ladybug button. Extra buttons are available-click for buttons
Price: $7.00

Winter Round
Another in the Holiday/Season Rounds design series. This wintery design with its snowflakes is perfect for the snowy season. Done on 18 ct Mountain Mist Linen over 2 using #5 Perle Cotton and specialty fibers - design size is 6.0 X 6.0. Chart pack includes winter hat button. Extra buttons are available-click for buttons
Price: $7.00

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11748 S. Canton Ave. • Tulsa, OK • 74137 • Phone: 918-496-3389